Coloured Petri Nets
Kurt Jensen
Not Available
Process Algebra With Timing
J.C.M. Baeten and 1 more
Theory of Semi-Feasible Algorithms
L. Hemaspaandra and 2 more
Semantic Integration of Heterogeneous Software Specifications
M. Groè-Rhode
Theoretical Aspects of Local Search
Wil Michiels and 2 more
Time-Dependent Scheduling
Stanislaw Gawiejnowicz
Handbook of Weighted Automata
Manfred Droste and 2 more
Stochastic Coalgebraic Logic
Ernst-Erich Doberkat
Deterministic Extraction from Weak Random Sources
Ariel Gabizon
Incomplete Information
Stephane P. Demri and 1 more
Logics of Specification Languages
Dines Bjørner and 1 more
Javier Esparza and 1 more
Martin Große-Rhode
Petri Net Algebra
Eike Best and 2 more
Theoretical Aspects of Distributed Computing in Sensor Networks
Sotiris Nikoletseas and 1 more
Finiteness and Regularity in Semigroups and Formal Languages
Aldo de Luca and 1 more
Syntax-Directed Semantics
Zoltan Fülöp and 1 more
Iteration Theories
Stephen L. Bloom and 1 more
Specification and Analysis of Concurrent Systems
Ryszard Janicki and 1 more
The Logic of Partial Information
Areski Nait Abdallah
Relations and Graphs
Gunther Schmidt and 1 more
Restricted-Orientation Convexity
Eugene Fink and 1 more
Patterns in Permutations and Words
Sergey Kitaev
Foundations of Algebraic Specification and Formal Software Development
Donald Sannella and 1 more
Words and Graphs
Sergey Kitaev and 1 more
Theory of Reversible Computing
Kenichi Morita
Domain Science and Engineering
Dines Bjørner
Nonsequential Processes
Eike Best and 1 more
Parsing Theory
Seppo Sippu and 1 more
Computing in Horn Clause Theories
Peter Padawitz
Regulated Rewriting in Formal Language Theory
Jürgen Dassow and 1 more
Compiler Generators
Mads Tofte
Fundamentals of Algebraic Specification 2
Hartmut Ehrig and 1 more
Structural Complexity II
Jose L. Balcazar and 2 more
First-Order Programming Theories
Tamas Gergely and 1 more
Universal Algebra for Computer Scientists
Wolfgang Wechler
Petri Nets
Wolfgang Reisig
Semirings, Automata, Languages
W. Kuich and 1 more
Fundamentals of Algebraic Specification 1
Products of Automata
Ferenc Gecseg
Klaus Weihrauch